CREATE had the pleasure of hosting Grand Challenges Canada (GCC), CEO Dr. Peter Singer and VP Programs Karlee Silver on Sunday. Dr. Singer and Karlee visited our social business, Point Tech Solutions, in Machakos. Point Tech employees and their loved ones had the opportunity to showcase the business, the Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) Toolkit and share how CREATE has impacted their lives. Here they are in their Point Tech Solutions apparel!

Our guests had the opportunity to talk to our beneficiaries and were deeply moved by the impactful stories shared by their care-givers. It was indeed very motivating to hear the impact the project has had so far on the beneficiaries from the perspective of their care-givers.
Our guests also had a chance to look at our shop equipment and interact further with the workers at the space. Our beneficiaries also asked them questions regarding the vision of GCC as a whole and future plans for them as beneficiaries.

Our beneficiaries shared about their experience from the very beginning, including the interview and short listing process, market surveys, name surveys, logo selection, etc. The PSR Toolkit design and contextualization process was also discussed as well as future steps for Point Tech Solutions.